Seeing Faces During Reiki: What It Means Explained

During your Reiki sessions, have you ever seen faces behind closed eyes? This phenomenon is not uncommon and can be an intriguing experience for both the receiver and the practitioner. While it may seem puzzling, there are explanations for why these faces appear and what they may mean.

The appearance of faces during Reiki is often attributed to the flow of energy and the opening of the third eye chakra. This chakra is associated with intuition and psychic abilities, and its activation can lead to heightened awareness and perception. Seeing faces during Reiki may be a sign that your third eye chakra is opening, and you are becoming more attuned to the energy around you.

However, the interpretation of these faces can vary depending on the individual’s personal beliefs, past experiences, and emotional state. Some may interpret them as spirit guides or ancestors, while others may see them as representations of their own psyche. In this article, we will explore the phenomenon of seeing faces during Reiki and what they may signify.

Key Takeaways

  • Seeing faces during Reiki may be a sign of the opening of the third eye chakra.
  • The interpretation of these faces can vary depending on personal beliefs and emotional state.
  • It is important to manage the experience and interpret the faces seen in a way that is helpful for your healing process.

The Phenomenon of Seeing Faces During Reiki

During a Reiki session, it is not uncommon for the recipient or the practitioner to see faces. These faces can appear in various forms, such as human faces, animal faces, or even mythical creatures. Some people may see faces with closed eyes, while others may see them with open eyes.

The experience of seeing faces during Reiki can be quite intense and even surprising. However, it is essential to understand that this phenomenon is entirely normal and can be a meaningful part of the healing process.

The appearance of faces during Reiki can have different meanings for different people. Some may see the faces of their loved ones who have passed away, while others may see the faces of spiritual guides or angels. These faces can provide comfort, guidance, and reassurance to the person receiving Reiki.

It is important to note that seeing faces during Reiki does not necessarily mean that the person is having a spiritual experience or that they are receiving messages from the spiritual realm. It may simply be a reflection of the person’s subconscious mind, which is processing and releasing emotions and memories during the Reiki session.

If you see faces during Reiki, it is recommended that you share your experience with your practitioner. They can help you interpret the meaning of the faces and provide guidance on how to integrate the experience into your healing journey.

In conclusion, seeing faces during Reiki is a common phenomenon that can be a meaningful part of the healing process. It is essential to approach this experience with an open mind and seek guidance from your practitioner if necessary.

Interpreting the Faces Seen

When you see faces during a Reiki session, it can be a sign of the brain processing and sorting information. It can also be related to clairvoyance and a sign you’re receiving spiritual insight. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that the nature of these visions may vary from one individual to another, depending on their personal beliefs, past experiences, and emotional state.

Here are some ways to interpret the faces you see during a Reiki session:

  • Identify the emotion: Try to identify the emotion being conveyed by the face you see. Is it a happy face, sad face, angry face, or neutral face? This can give you a clue about what your subconscious is trying to communicate to you.
  • Ask for guidance: If you’re not sure what the face means, you can ask for guidance from your Reiki practitioner or your higher self. You can also ask for clarification through meditation or journaling.
  • Consider the context: Think about the context in which you saw the face. Was it during a specific part of the session, or was it a recurring face throughout the session? This can help you understand the significance of the face.
  • Trust your intuition: Ultimately, the interpretation of the faces you see during a Reiki session is a personal experience. Trust your intuition and inner guidance to help you understand what the faces mean to you.

Remember that seeing faces during a Reiki session is a natural and beautiful phenomenon. Don’t be afraid to explore the meanings behind the faces you see and trust in the healing power of Reiki.

Common Faces Seen During Reiki

During a Reiki session, it is common to see faces or images that may hold significance to you. These faces can be your ancestors, spirit guides, or even from past lives. Here are some common faces you may see during your Reiki sessions.


Your ancestors are your bloodline, and they can help you in many ways during your Reiki session. They may show up to offer you guidance, support, or healing. You may recognize them by their physical features, such as their facial structure or hair color, or you may feel their presence without seeing them.

Spirit Guides

Spirit guides are beings that are assigned to you to help you in your life’s journey. They may show up during your Reiki session to offer you guidance, support, or healing. They may appear in human form, or they may appear as animals, angels, or other entities. You may recognize them by their energy signature or the feeling you get when they are present.

Past Lives

During your Reiki session, you may see faces or images from your past lives. These faces may be people you knew in a past life or people who are connected to you in some way. You may recognize them by their clothing, physical features, or the feeling you get when you see them. They may show up to offer you healing or to help you understand something about your current life.

Remember, the faces you see during your Reiki session are there to help you. Pay attention to them and see what messages they have for you. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to receive the healing and guidance that is being offered to you.

The Significance of Emotions

During a Reiki session, you may experience a range of emotions. These emotions are an essential part of the healing process, and they hold significant meaning. Emotions can be positive or negative, and they can reveal what is happening within your body, mind, and spirit.

Negative emotions, such as fear, anger, and sadness, can indicate that there is an imbalance within your body. These emotions can manifest as physical symptoms, such as tension in the muscles, headaches, or digestive problems. By acknowledging and releasing these negative emotions, you can begin to restore balance within your body and promote healing.

Positive emotions, such as joy, love, and peace, can indicate that your body is in a state of balance and harmony. These emotions can help to strengthen your immune system, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. By cultivating positive emotions, you can support your body’s natural healing processes and enhance your overall health.

During a Reiki session, your practitioner may use specific symbols to help you release negative emotions and cultivate positive ones. These symbols can help to balance your energy centers and promote healing on all levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual.

In conclusion, emotions play a significant role in the Reiki healing process. By acknowledging and releasing negative emotions and cultivating positive ones, you can support your body’s natural healing processes and promote overall well-being.

Effects on the Healing Process

During a Reiki session, it is not uncommon to see faces or other images. While this experience can be surprising or even unsettling, it can also have a positive impact on the healing process.

Firstly, seeing faces during Reiki can provide a sense of comfort and reassurance. These faces may be spirit guides or deceased loved ones, and their presence can offer a feeling of support and guidance. This can help you feel more relaxed and open to the healing energy being channeled by the practitioner.

Additionally, seeing faces or other images can provide insight into areas of your life that may need healing. These images can be symbolic representations of emotions or experiences that are affecting your well-being. By discussing these images with your practitioner, you can gain a better understanding of what needs to be addressed in order to promote healing.

It is important to note that not everyone will see faces or images during a Reiki session, and this does not necessarily mean that the session was less effective. However, if you do experience this phenomenon, it can be a valuable tool in your healing journey.

Overall, seeing faces during Reiki can have a positive impact on the healing process by providing comfort, guidance, and insight. If you do experience this phenomenon, it is important to discuss it with your practitioner and use it as a tool for self-discovery and healing.

Managing the Experience

When you see faces during a Reiki session, it can be a surprising and even unsettling experience. However, it’s important to remember that this is a common occurrence and that it doesn’t necessarily mean anything negative. Here are some tips for managing the experience:

  • Stay calm and relaxed: It’s important to stay calm and relaxed during the session, even if you see faces or other images. Remember that Reiki is a safe and gentle practice that is meant to promote healing and relaxation.
  • Focus on your breathing: If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, try focusing on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths and try to relax your body as much as possible.
  • Talk to your practitioner: If you’re feeling uncomfortable or unsure about what you’re experiencing, don’t hesitate to talk to your Reiki practitioner. They can help you understand what’s happening and provide guidance on how to manage the experience.
  • Trust the process: Remember that Reiki is a powerful healing practice that works on many levels. Trust that whatever you’re experiencing is part of the healing process and that it’s ultimately for your benefit.
  • Take time to reflect: After the session, take some time to reflect on what you experienced. Write down any thoughts or feelings that come up and try to make sense of what you saw. This can help you process the experience and gain deeper insights into your healing journey.

Overall, seeing faces during a Reiki session is a normal and natural part of the process. By staying calm, talking to your practitioner, and trusting the process, you can manage the experience and gain valuable insights into your healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of seeing colors during Reiki?

Seeing colors during Reiki is a common occurrence and can be a sign of energy flow and balance. Each color has its own meaning and significance in energy healing. For example, blue is associated with communication and throat chakra, while green is associated with the heart chakra and healing. However, the significance of colors can vary from person to person.

Can seeing faces during Reiki be a sign of spiritual connection?

Seeing faces during Reiki can be a sign of spiritual connection and guidance. It is believed that these faces could be spirit guides, angels, or loved ones who have passed away. However, it is important to note that not everyone will experience this phenomenon during Reiki, and it is not a guarantee of spiritual connection.

What do images seen during meditation reveal about the subconscious mind?

Images seen during meditation can reveal insights into the subconscious mind, including emotions, memories, and beliefs. These images can be symbolic and may require interpretation to understand their meaning. However, it is important to approach these images with an open mind and without judgment.

Why do some people see angels during meditation?

Some people see angels during meditation as a sign of spiritual guidance and protection. Angels are believed to be messengers of the divine and can provide comfort and support during difficult times. However, seeing angels during meditation is not a guarantee of spiritual connection and may have different meanings for different people.

Is it common to see people’s faces during meditation?

Seeing people’s faces during meditation is a common occurrence and can be a sign of spiritual connection or guidance. These faces could be spirit guides, angels, or loved ones who have passed away. However, it is important to approach these experiences with an open mind and without judgment.

What is the meaning behind seeing indigo during Reiki?

Seeing indigo during Reiki is associated with the third eye chakra and intuition. It is believed that indigo is a color of spiritual awareness and can help to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. However, the meaning of indigo can vary from person to person and may require interpretation.